Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Everything Changes..and Everybody Wants a Make-Over

Change. Most people hate it, but at BPI Media Group, we realized it was necessary for survival in this world where it's survival of the fittest. All of this change is part of our transition from a PSP to a MSP over the past couple of years as you've seen me reference in previous posts. With this transition came many changes for BPI, and the latest of these changes is the addition of website services.
What led BPI, a printer no less, to get into the website business you ask? The growing demand from our customers to help them marry their printed piece with that of their website. This demand, in addition to our storefront/online ordering solution, resulted in the addition of staff member, Brandon Rome. His experience and expertise in web design, code, seo, paried with a multitude of other "tech" skills in his toolbox made him a perfect fit for BPI at the perfect time.

Along the same thought process, it seems like every other tv show is all about make overs, whether it's your hair, weight, make up or your home decor, so BPI is "kind of" jumping on this band wagon; but, we are in it for the long haul!

Some make overs are worth it and oh-so necessary. Is a make over of your company's website overdue? With the addition of a web expert, we are offering a limited-time promotion to partner with you to review your website. Here's what's included in this review and why you should consider it:

-Website evaluation
  • Redesign (visual "make over" or complete redesign)
  • Improve user interface (how users navigate and how content is organized)
-Detailed analysis of where your site is now (performance metrics and ways to provide traffic results & seo insight)

-Suggestions offered to increase traffic, boost seo and graphic appeal

-Professional recommendations to ensure your site is working for you as a marketing tool and not just a refernce website

-Offer an integrated marketing tool via your website

-$175 one-time fee for evaluation of your company's website

If you would like to proceed with the suggestions we make, we'll provide a detailed quote on what it would take to "make over" your site.

This offer will be good through the end of February 2012. What happens after we "make over" your site? In keeping with BPI's philosophy of excellent customer service, we will offer the following services on an ongoing basis for as long as you'd like us to help you with your website:


-Site maintenance

-Allowing for and assistance with CMS (contenet management system), where the site is self-edited and published (you do the simple updates yourself)

-Access to analytics (including seo, or how your site is found by search engines)

-Plug-ins to allow for functionality expansions, which are usually customized

-Dynamic content or interactions (advanced log-ins, database-driven); ideal for any robust website

These continued services would be priced based on the amount of time spent to do the tasks, but as you know, we try to price our services as fairly and competitively as possible because we value your business and know your budget isn't unlimited.

With the addition of website development and design, we are adding another piece of the puzzle to help in your marketing. By tying the web and print together, the result is an improved ROI, where results are becoming more and more measurable as technology advances. If you have a website you're proud of and that is useful to your customer base, then you can boast about it on your print collateral and tie it to your social media outlets. These are changes that are lasting and worth the $175 investment.

Speaking of social media and ways to merge it with print and your website, BPI Media Group President, Alan Davis, shared this article with me about Google+. It is geared toward the print industry, but I feel it can be applied to any industry. Just another example of change in our revolving world.

If you'd like to have us take a look and offer suggestions on your website, please contact us. We would love the opportunity to help make your website as beautiful as your printed pieces, so you can have a full arsenal of marketing tools at your fingertips to share with customers and prospects.

Until next time...Elizabeth

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