Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Which Digital Printing Level Is Right for You?

Whew, what a week! In the past week, I've logged over 900 miles, but it is always great to sit across from a customer or prospect and learn what's going on from a marketer's perspective. I learn more during those meetings than I do any other time. Thank you to those who've taken the time recently to meet with me and hear about some of the exciting things going on at BPI Media Group. I have truly been blessed to have some really great customers. Because of that, I love working with them to help business grow, prosper and make their daily duties easier.

This week, I want to share the 7 levels of digital printing because they just might help in your marketing plans for 2012. If you've never considered some of these, chances are you will after learning a bit more about each level. With the addition of our Kodak Nexpress earlier this year, we've opened the door to possibilities for our customers that weren't possible before. I hope you'll embrace a few of these levels and even adopt them into your 2012 marketing plans. You'll see how each level builds upon the previous level, digging deeper into a more personal 1:1 communication with your customer or prospect.

Level 1: Static, Short-Run Printing. Static, or unchanging, documents that are needed in a small quantity fall into this category. Perfect for when you need, for example, 200 copies of a flyer in a hurry. Digital printing allows press runs for as few as one copy and can contain multiple paper types. Benefits of this are for most everyone providing quick turns, avoiding excess and obsolete materials and eliminating storage space for the larger runs.

Level 2: Version Printing. This includes a common design but has unique content or verbiage to target a specific audience. Versioning makes for a more relevant communications piece and can allow for dealer or distributor branding while using the corporate standard.Versioning can also help lift response rates.

Level 3: Personalized Printing. Using a database with recipient information, you can seamlessly add names and/or addresses into the copy of your printed piece. This direct communication encourages a stronger customer or user relationship.

Level 4: Customized Printing. When you not only personalize the message but also customize the images to make it more relevant to groups, this is customized printing. This further increases participation, drawing the recipient in, thus improving response rates. Customizing also allows for individuals to receive smaller, more timely messages tailored to their specific interests or needs.

Level 5: Transactional Printing. Printing digitally, or "on the fly", allows you to include financial or other personalized and customized content onto the piece. This can also include dynamic charts and graphs specific to the recipient's unique demographics. Thousands of transactional printed pieces can be produced much more economically through digital printing.

Level 6: Fully-Customized Printing. This level of printing incorporates more complex personalized and customized applications including images, text, graphic and layouts that are unique for each recipient. This means every single piece is unique with a true 1:1 communication to the customer or prospect allowing for highly relevant information to be shared.

Level 7: Automated Fulfillment. When your customers or prospects visit your website, for example, and enter specific information, a personalized campaign piece can be generated based on the information that person entered. This is done through a very efficient workflow where the entire digital printing process is automated. This reduces the need for manually creating each piece and can link the print communication program to e-marketing.

While you may be familiar with levels 1-3 or even 1-4, I would love to go over any of the levels with which you're not yet familiar to see if they would benefit your program or offering. These are just the tip of the iceberg and are all great ways to enhance your marketing communications pieces. Added value is seen in each of the levels, so if you've yet to consider the benefits of digital printing, give me a call or send me an email, and lets work on a plan to help you and your company print smarter. To download more info about the 7 levels of digital printing, click here. Until next time...Elizabeth

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