Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fall Kickoff!

Like many Southerners, myself and everyone at BPI Media Group is ready for everything Fall brings: cooler weather, tailgating and football! Regardless of who your favorite college or pro team is, they'll be kicking off the season this Labor Day weekend, so there will be an abundance of food, football and fun. With BPI's headquarters being located in Alabama, you can imagine what a competitive atmosphere this is in the office between Auburn and Alabama fans during football season (and year round for that matter).

To help our staff and customers with the fun fall festivities, we ordered some of our very own promotional items that you can use whether you're backyard barbecuing for the game or on the quad of your favorite campus. It certainly isn't too late to order your company's promo items to get your employees, sales team and customers in the mood for football!

We always know football season is right around the corner when we start seeing requests for football programs coming in with deadlines being "the first home game." This has always been a time of year that is very exciting at BPI because we love football, and we love working with our local and regional sports teams and school on their programs. The team spirit and enthusiasm is always contagious/!

So whether you're Alabama, Auburn or the fan of any other team, enjoy the Labor Day weekend ahead filled with lots of football and time with friends and family celebrating the arrival of Fall!

Until next time...Elizabeth

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