Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What's So Special About SWAG?

I had a customer ask me last week, "What's SWAG?" With a chuckle, I explained that SWAG is Stuff We All Get. So, what's so special about SWAG if everyone gets it? It's special because it has YOUR company name on it, YOUR brand, and purchased with YOUR marketing dollars.

How come a printing company is promoting specialty or promotional items anyway? (pun intended) It's part of the reason BPI Media Group isn't just a PSP (Print Service Provider) anymore, but a MSP (Marketing Service Provider). Our conversion to a MSP started a few years ago when we added mailing services, but sure, a lot of printers mail. We took the conversion a few steps further and added digital printing capabilities, paired that with variable data, cross-media campaigns, and online storefront solutions, sprinkled in some data asset management and graphic and web design, and then topped it off with a spread of specialty items that help raise brand awareness for your company.

Variety of BPI "SWAG" we've shared in the past few months.

Specialty items are a great way to do a lumpy mailing (see last week's blog about lumpy mailings!) because an envelope containing a pen or other useful item blazoned with your logo is better than that of your competitor's in the hand of your prospect or client. You can also integrate the marketing message on the outside of the envelope or package in which you send out the item if you're mass distributing it. Specialty items are also a great way to share candies or other treats as gifts with clients to show your gratitude. A newer trend is to have contests through social media sites and offer promo items as prizes. Last winter, I shared BPI's coffee mug with several customers filled with apple cider and hot cocoa mixes. Not only was it nice to bring a little warmth to clients on some really cold days, but this was a huge success and opened the door for conversations about promotional items and how they can help keep your company or brand TOM (top of mind).

Here's what one client had to say about the significance of promotional items for brand loyalty, customer and employee incentives and give-aways at trade shows. "Promo items aren't only great at tradeshows to draw folks to your booth, but they have been a tremendous asset in boosting employee morale. We have also used promo items for contests through our website and social media campaigns. We'll sometimes include a free item with an order as a "thank you" to customers, especially if it is a first-time order."

If you've never considered using specialty items or you're not quite sure for the best application in your marketing mix, here's a list of the top 10 uses for promotional items according to the Promotional Products Association International as cited in "Top 10 Uses for Promotional Products During the 1st Q of 2011."

1. Customer Goodwill and Retention

2. Tradeshows

3. Employee Relations and Events

4. Brand Awareness

5. Public Relations

6. New Customer/Account Generation

7. Employee Service Awards

8. Not-For-Profit Programs

9. Internal Promotions

10. New Product and Service Introduction

According to the same article about Q1 promo item use, promotional items that were perceived to have greater value generated more sales leads than products of lower value. By including a promo item with a pre-show mailing, you could increase the likelihood of an attendee stopping by your booth. Studies show that 76% of tradeshow attendees had a favorable attitude toward any company that gave them a branded promo item. An overwhelming 70% of tradeshow attendees who received a promo item remembered the name of the company that gave it away.

What are the top promotional items? Things you can wear (shirt), writing instruments, bags and drinkware are the most popular among business professionals. These are considered valuable because they can be used daily. Who doesn't want their logo in their prospect or customers' hands every single day? Here are a few more top sellers:

• Desk/Office/Business Accessories

• Calendars

• Recognition Awards/Jewelry

• Computers/Tech Gadgets

• Sporting Goods

• Automotive Apparel/Accessories

• Magnets/Textiles/Housewares

• Food/Electronics/Clocks

The common denominator among all of these items are that they are useful and appreciated. If you give someone an item they can use, you increase the chances of them remembering you, your company name and your brand.

If you'd like to chat about ideas for promotional items, plan for an upcoming tradeshow or event, direct mail campaign, etc., please give me a call or email. I would love to cook up a recipe for success with you! To browse BPI's specialty items, click here. For pricing or questions about a particular item that catches your eye, let me know! As always, your feedback is welcome, and remember that power of promotional items is its ability to inform, remind and persuade. Until next time...Elizabeth :)

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