Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What Not to Do

Have you ever watched the show on TLC called "What Not to Wear?" Being a minor fashionista, I watch it fairly often to make sure I'm not breaking any rules that would lead to an embarrassing wardrobe situation. I was reminded of this show the other day while waiting in the lobby at a customer's office. This short recap of what transpired isn't about fashion, but it's about how we armour ourselves as representatives of our company.

Scene: I'm standing in the lobby in front of the receptionist's desk while she is tracking down my appointment (he was away from his desk). In walks an older man with messy hair and his shirt was a bit rumpled.

Diaglogue: Man: "Great, there's two of us. I hope you're not the competition. Payroll services here." Me: "No, sir, I'm not in payroll, but the receptionist will be right back."

Action: He walks to the desk, tosses a business card on her desk, turns around and walks out the door.

Result: Receptionist returns and asks me about the mysterious business card now on her desk, so I told her what had happened. She tossed his card in the trash immediately.

I wasn't sure if it was the man's attitude or his lack of material to leave behind that bothered me the most, but after thinking about this, I wish I would have asked for his card. I want to talk to the marketing folks at his company to see if they need sales materials for their reps to "leave behind" on sales calls. BPI Media Group could print collateral for them--pocket folder, capabilities sheets, company overview, services brochures, etc. We could even set them up on a storefront where the reps can log in and order stationery, collateral, promo items, etc so as never to get caught without anything to leave behind to explain more about how their company can be of service.

If your company could benefit from BPI's online system where your reps, different offices or departments or channel partners can order materials online to help promote your company and boost sales, we need to talk.

Until next time...Elizabeth

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