Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Proof, Review & Approve!

For those of you who've read my blog before, you've heard me rave about Kodak Insite. Today, I'd like to tell you a little more about this proofing system and how it can be so helpful, time saving and a cost effective way to proof. Keep reading because you'll be able to sign up for our webinar about Insite at the bottom of this post. Don't miss it! Click here to watch a short video about Insite.

Just last week, one of BPI Media Group's customers in the midwest used this proofing system for the first time. This customer needed to upload a 12 GB file (that's a BIG file), and our standard ftp site didn't have space for this file. This opened the door for me to talk with them about Insite. By uploading their files to Insite, they were able to load the large file (for their 200+ page full-color catalog) in a short time and start proofing it virtually within the hour. Upon reviewing the proof internally among a couple of key staff members, they caught three pages with errors on them that they had not previously noticed. In just a few minutes, they reviewed the proof, replaced the pages with changes and approved the proof online. This particular customer then needed a hard-copy proof, so with the press of a button or two, the online proof was sent to the proof machine to output a hard-copy proof. By taking advantage of Insite's Smart Review, the customer saved the additional cost of a new proof had they not caught these small mistakes until the hard-copy proof. For a budget-conscious company, this was a huge advantage.

Here's a list of some more key features of Insite that help make this an efficient way to proof, not only for our customers, but also for our prepress technicians:

  • 24/7 soft proofing in page-turn software
  • Preflights files for missing fonts, inadequate bleed, RGB photos, etc and reports back to client
  • Rules-based automation for less production time
  • PDF workflow
  • Personal password login
  • History view feature
  • Email notification of proof availability, approval, comments, etc.

Just a couple more examples of how using Insite for proofing has saved time and/or money for BPI's customers:

We print a football program with a custom cover and 8 custom interior pages for each home game during the college's football season. The designer uploads files in the wee hours of the morning on Monday, and by the time the office opens at 8 am, the files have already been approved. The designer is able to upload, proof and approve the custom pages at his convenience. Once prepress gets to the office, they send the job to plate, then it's off to press!

For a magazine we print quarterly, the end-customer as well as the designer need to review the proof for content/graphic layout. They use Insite to make notes or comments to one another to check things in this final stage before printing. These notes appear for our prepress techs to see as well, so we can check to make sure all the corrections noted were made.

BPI Media Group will be conducting a free webinar on our Insite product for prepress automation. If you would like to learn more about this product and how it can decrease production time and save money in the proofing stage of projects, click here, and we'll send you an invite to the FREE webinar. The webinar will be next Tuesday, October 18th @ 10 am CST/11 am EST.

We'd love for you to join this webinar and see how this proofing system can help you! Until next time...Elizabeth

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm learning so much from your blog, Elizabeth! So cool - keep it up!
