Wednesday, October 26, 2011

BPI by Design

As I trekked across the state of Georgia toward Alabama, my wheels (in my brain and on my vehicle) were turning quickly. Recent client meetings seemed to circle back to the design phase of the printing process. With budgets and personnel being cut, having a designer on staff seems more like a luxury than a necessity. This trend in marketing departments has led many clients to pose the question to BPI Media Group, "Can you guys do design for my company?" With additional staff being added to BPI, I can answer confidently, "Yes, we can absolutely help with your design projects."

Part of our growth over the past few years has been to assist you, our clients, with as many aspects of the print solution as possible. Some of our clients do have designers on staff or have long-term, existing relationships with freelance designers. For those folks, we definitely will not step on anyone's toes, but for those needing design services, we would be happy to help. We have a team of designers, each with exceptional talents, who can help from a simple typesetting or layout project (such as a form) to a collateral brochure or catalog. We can also create or update logos to help with your branding if needed. Click here for a simple case study from a pleased client for whom we did the print and design. I can gladly share a portfolio of our design capabilities to give you an overview of our work.

I thought this summed it up nicely!

Here I'll share a few links, ideas and resources for designers and those in need of design assistance. Not sure if you need help with design or considering tackling it yourself? Here's a great article about when to reach out to a design professional. The list of top 10 resources are a must read!

Whether you're a new marketer or simply don't have the time or staff to tackle it in house, BPI's design team can help and here's why:

  • Our toolbox is full of expertise and experience.
  • We know how to design for print (thus eliminating the back and forth of missing fonts, links, low-res images and other common file issues such as insufficient bleed).
  • Multiple concepts are provided, so you can find the style that's right for you and your brand.
  • Revisions and edits are made upon your suggestions quickly and follow your guidance (after all, it's YOUR brand and YOUR print project.)
  • Online proofing through our Kodak Insite proofing system is available where you can "comment" virtually to communicate with our designers. (Click here for more about this fantastic proofing option.)
  • Final files of the completed design are available to you in various formats (native files, usually Adobe InDesign, pdf, jpg, etc) to use/share/post.
  • Need help with your web design too? With BPI's new on-staff webmaster, we can help with this too. Check out our website review offer.

For the designers out there (of whom I'm immensely jealous because I lack the creative/artistic gene), keep in mind that designing for digital printing is a little different than designing for offset printing. Click here for some tips on successful designing for digital printing.

  • If you don't already subscribe to this magazine, it's a good one: Graphic Arts Monthly. Our prepress and design staff find this one full of great info!
  • Another cool publication is CMYK Magazine. This one is quite inspiring!
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  • Lastly, check out BPI's latest edition of Graphic Advisors (should be in your mailbox this week!). It has a great article about Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 and what's in it for you as a designer.

Please leave a comment if you have a question or would like additional information. If you'd like to subscribe to BPI's Graphic Advisor (a quarterly publication), click here. As always, thanks for reading, following, sharing, commenting and until next time...Elizabeth

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