Friday, July 29, 2011

Digital vs offset and kit assembly

Yesterday it was off to the ATL for a hot day! Drive. Get cool. Stop.Visit customer. Get back in car (now very hot). Repeat, repeat, repeat. Despite the heat, my Atlanta customer visits were just what I needed to get pumped up about BPI's new digital solutions.
Conversations with folks covered a wide variety of topics/problems, but there was a recurring theme: digital printing and color you get from a digital press. To help these folks see how their company's color or specific pantone color would translate when printed digitally vs offset, I opened my briefcase and referenced my handy-dandy Digital PMS Chart.

Voila! In the turn of a few pages, I was able to find their pms color and tell immediately how it would print, and they could see if that color was acceptable for them. In every single case, the answer was yes, it was perfectly acceptable! This brought a smile to my face to know there was another happy customer who was able to save a bundle and still get quality color printing.
The other topic of the day was that of custom kit assembly and fulfillment. Now, be reminded that BPI does A LOT of fulfillment and distribution, so this isn't new to this gal. Customer dilemma of the day: can you assemble these 50 custom kits (each containing 2 boxes full of materials!) and have them ready to ship by next Friday? After a quick call to production to confirm, I eagerly called the customer back to tell her YES, we can!
It makes my day to be able to deliver good news to a customer, so they can go home at the end of the day knowing their project is in good hands. So, the temperature was still hot, but I went on my way home knowing that BPI stands behind me, supports our customers and will do exactly what was promised every time. Check back next time for more tales from the road from this print gal.