Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Create & Integrate!

What gets your attention and makes you respond? Is it a postcard, an email, a text or a website? Think about that for a minute before answering...

According to an October 2010 InfoTrends study, Capturing the Cross Media Direct Marketing Opportunity, the survey revealed that marketers are using an average of 2.7 media channels for a typical integrated campaign. 53.1% of marketers use 3-5 marketing touches per campaign. So, if you're not using cross-media marketing to optimize the variety of channels, let BPI Media Group help you get started.

Here are a few tips & stats about cross-media and how it can be used to improve your ROI (we even have a ROI calculator you can use at the onset of each campaign!) and become TOM (top of mind) with your customers. Click here for an overview of how integrated campaigns work.

-Qualify your leads. You can do this through data mining or data analytics based on your current customer lists to analyze patterns in buying behavior of your customers. (Ask me about data mining...gems of information out there & this will be the topic of an upcoming blog!)
-Map out a campaign plan. Your campaign should incorporate the following:
  • realistic objectives
  • graphics that will capture the attention of your audience
  • messaging that is relevant and meaningful
  • an inspiring offer (whether it's a discount, coupon or FREE swag)
  • integration of multiple channels (Tie your print to email and online messaging, consider using a campaign that allows for SMS messaging if it's a logical fit for your business model or add a QR code to your direct mailer. Click here for some stats on mobile phone subscribers in the US--amazing!)
  • multiple touches (don't just send 1 or 2 postcards/emails and wish for the best--persistence pays off!)
  • and multiple ways to respond (examples: online, email, sms text, QR code via smartphone, phone and yes, even mail)
-Include personalized messaging. Research shows you'll see a lift in response just by incorporating variable data (name, image, messaging) on your direct marketing pieces.
-Add a gurl or purl (general or personal url/landing page) to create a way of gathering info about your customer or prospect. This provides a chance to respond online, which is preferred by most.

(Example of a gurl: and example of a purl:
Don't be afraid to check out these landing pages, fill out your info & see what pops up in your inbox!

-Most importantly, track your responses (measure your ROI!) and follow up. BPI's dashboard provides you with a way to see all the information captured from respondents.

In a recent InfoTrends & DMA report, response rates were measured by using a variety of marketing channels:
Print, email, web: 8.8%
Print and email: 8.3%
Print and web landing page: 7.7%
Direct mail alone: 3.4%
Email alone: 1.7%

A well-executed cross-media campaign is a great way to lift your response. If you need help with design, planning or even email marketing, please reach out to me. BPI has a fantastic email marketing program which also allows you to view the dashboard in real time to see how, when, where the email is being opened. Remember, failure is likely due to immeasurable results and unreal objectives. Don't let your next campaign be a flop; instead be captivating, relevant and timely.

Our success is measured by the success of our clients. As the lyrics of a Bob Marley song inspire so many, "Stir it up..." This goes for your marketing too!

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