Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Make New Friends but Keep the Old

As a Girl Scout, I remember singing this song with my troop mates each month at our meetings. We'd say the pledge of allegiance, sing a few songs and usually do some kind of craft. While I don't remember many of the crafts, I do remember some of the words to the song that go something like this: "Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold."

The message of that song has stuck with me for years (far more than I care to admit!), but I think it serves well in the world of business today. While we at BPI Media Group are grateful for our loyal, long-time customers, we cherish the opportunities to add new customers to our list of "friends." The best way we can learn about our new friends/customers is to listen to them and help them with the problem that is staring them in the face at that very moment. That problem might be needing a super-fast turn around on a brochure for the conference (that is 2 days from now!), sending an email blast to announce a last-minute sale, inventory management of collateral or needing proof that your marketing dollars are being well spent (tracking your ROMI).

BPI is committed to helping our customers with these problems and any other marketing challenges you're facing. We love helping our friends, our customers, so if you're looking for a partnership that can help you with the large and small problems (er, projects), we are here for the long haul.For the past 34 years, we have helped our customers get their marketing messages out to their clients and prospects through various mediums. While the means of getting the message out have changed over the years, our commitment to our customers has not changed: Our success depends on the success of our customers. We are committed to helping our friends, old and new, achieve their goals.

Until next time...Elizabeth

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