Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Why Not Text It?

One of the things I love most about my job is that no two days are ever the same. Projects change on a daily basis, deadlines are always always staring you in the face and technology is constantly offering a new way to communicate with customers and prospects.

While most people ask me if I'm afraid print will eventually go away, I can confidently say "No, this is not a concern for me or BPI Media Group." Why? Because we have embraced the technology and married it to our print capabilities to offer more ways you can reach out and have better, more meaningful conversations with customers and prospects. Just this morning, I met with a sports marketing professional who was looking for ways to boost attendance at events and engage the fans before, during and after events. My suggestion? Try introducing a text message campaign. It can be as short as a winner will be announced in the last inning, quarter, period, etc of the game or it can last a week, month or quarter depending on your plan. These type of campaigns can be great for give aways which help promote brand awareness and loyalty through promotional items. The key is that a sms text message campaign requires an immediate call to action with almost immediate response.

Click here to view a short video explaining a little more how a text campaign can work, how you can use it to gather leads and follow up with them via other messaging (email, direct mail, text, and don't forget the ancient technology called the telephone!).

Until next time...Elizabeth

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