Thursday, June 18, 2015

Summer Happenings at BPI!

Summer is off to a great start for BPI Media Group! With more clients seeking our help on the creative and large format side of marketing and merchandising, we are continually expanding our offerings, substrates and partnerships with clients and vendors alike. Here are a few photos to tell the story of what we've been up to lately...let us know how we can help your company with your next marketing campaign, product launch or trade show event.
BPI wins best in show for self-promotional campaign @ PIAS awards 2015!.
BPI wins best in digital category for a customer's rebranding collateral brochure @ PIAS awards 2015!
Look for our cool use of augmented reality on this postcard in your mailbox soon!
Looking for a great customer give-away for your corporate event? Custom coolers are the way to go!.
All work and no play would make BPI go away! Great idea for your company picnic this summer!
Showcase your products in your office, conference room, dealer location or even in your booth space with custom-wrapped gallery pieces printed @ BPI.
Need frames, bases or holders for your printed materials? We've got you covered there as well!

Until next time...Elizabeth

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Friday, March 27, 2015

It's All in the Details

There are so many ways we convey messages to friends, family and even customers and prospects. Did you know that addressing someone by name (aka, personalizing the message) can lift your response rate? Some studies show that calling someone by name can even lift their spirits and provide a more engaging conversation.

Just yesterday, I was in downtown Atlanta seeing a client. After dealing with the two-way traffic parking deck that was a bit narrow, walking in heels up the street into the intimidatingly tall building and taking the old elevator up to an upper-level floor, I was feeling a bit frazzled. The moment I walked into their suite, I was greeted by name as they were expected me, and my company's name was played on the monitor welcoming me. Boy, did I feel special! All the stress of getting there melted away, and we had a great meeting about print on demand, fulfillment and other print and large format opportunities.

If such a small thing as having someone's name and company name displayed made little ole me feel that special, imagine how great it could be for your customers and prospects to receive messaging about your service or new product if it were personalized to them with their specific needs in mind?

BPI Media Group has the equipment and technology to make that happen, so let's brainstorm on ways to drill down on your messaging to get your customer's attention and make them take that call to action. Here are a couple of examples of how BPI used personalization in promo packets.

Until next time...Elizabeth

PS-Here are a couple of articles to back up my claims about personalization and calling people by name...just so you know I'm not making this stuff up. :)

Deliver relevant, personalized content and offers to increase lifetime customer value (Target Marketing)

Respect Tip: Addresss Someone by Name

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