Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Coming to a City Near You!!! We Deliver.

You all know that I am here, there and everywhere in the Southeast these days, so you're not surprised when you call and hear me say "I'm on the road today." Being on the road is part of my job, and I don't mind it one bit (although the place who cleans up my vehicle probably does mind becuase of the insane amount of french fries under my seat!).

(That's really not my car, but it very well could be!)

In travelling, even after several years, I still get excited to see our very own delivery truck on the road and wave frantically at our drivers. To keep with our updated brand of BPI Media Group (formerly Boaz Printing), we had our delivery truck wrapped with our new logo. Look for this delivery truck in your area, or better yet, on your dock unloading your printed pieces. Our delivery guys don't get enough credit for the long hours, many miles and hard work they put in, so here's a huge THANK YOU to them for all they do for BPI.

In terms of delivery, I've put together a few ideas on how BPI can help you deliver your message.

  • 1. Mail: We can help get your catalog or direct mailer into the mailboxes of your customers/prospects. By partnering with BPI to handle your mailings, you can take advantage of discounted postage rates because of barcoding through automation. (What does that mean? It means we run your mail list through software that sorts it by zip code, applies a barcode and addresses them in that manner to make it quick & easy for the postal system which results in a lower postage rate for you.) We can also do list purchases, data cleansing and data management.
  • 2. Fulfillment: Our distribution department can handle a wide variety of pick and pack orders (in all shapes & sizes) to ship to your customers or prospects. We ship everything from printed material to beanie babies to caps & t-shirts. Our warehouse can hold these materials and save you a bundle in storage costs as well as on shipping and distribution.
  • 3. Email: BPI's email campaign solution offers a way to pair your printed message with an email message. By complementing print with online messaging via email, you'll boost your response rates and ROI.
  • 4. Web: One of the biggest ways you can deliver your message to your target audience is through your website. Are you using your website as your vehicle of choice (i.e., a Cadillac) to reach customers and prospects? Or, is your website a pinto that you don't promote because it needs that face lift you've been putting off a little too long? Don't fret! BPI is offering a website review for $175. This review & analysis is done by our resident web guru, and then we'll sugest improvements (if necessary) and provide a quote. If you want to upgrade your pinto to the Cadillac of websites, we'd love to help you make your website the most useful method of delivery for you.
  • 5. Socially: Tweeting and sharing relevant info via facebook or LinkedIn are excellent ways to drive your message to the masses. Word of advice: make it timely, short and sweet! With social messages changing every 5 seconds, your message has got to get noticed to deliver the punch you desire. Don't have a social media whiz on your staff? No problem. We can help put a plan together to help you get started and cruise through the madness of the social media craze.

Regardless if your budget is more like a Prius than a Lexus, we can help you deliver the message in an efficient way. Let BPI help you plan for ways to reach your customers and prospects. I'd love to chat with you about ways BPI's solutions can be used to drive the sales through the roof!

Until next time...Elizabeth

BPI Media Group on Facebook BPI Media Group on Facebook

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