Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Need a Little Insite?

If you are one of the many, super-busy people in this world, you need your print project printed yesterday, and you don't have time to wait hours or days for a proof. If you missed BPI Media Group's webinar last week presented by BPI University, don't fret. You can watch in two short segments (about 25 minutes total)an Introduction to Insite presented by Jan Spears, BPI's prepress director.

Introduction to Insite: Part 1

Introduction to Insite: Part 2

First, let me tell you a little about this proofing system and what makes it so great. Trust me, you'll want to join this bandwagon and speed up your proofing time like many other users have done.

What is Prinergy and Kodak Insite?

  • Prinergy—Kodak workflow with full automation with soft proofing.
  • Insite is a part of Prinergy where customers can be set up with a custom ftp site. Once their files are uploaded, Insite will perform tasks based on rules-based automation. Rules-based automation is set up for each customer based on their needs and type of product to print.

Why should I use Insite?

  • Increase automation and efficiency of the proofing system.
  • Take advantage of the state-of-the-art online tools in the system.
  • Utilize the reliable, color-accurate soft proofing.
  • Allow multiple proofers in your company to review the document before it goes to print.
  • Allow for notations to be made on the proof for other reviewers to see.
  • Enable the uploading of replacement pages on the fly.
  • Be able to proof your document within a matter of minutes after it's uploaded.
  • See quickly any file problems that the preflight manager may find (i.e., inadequate bleed, rgb images, low-res images, font issues, etc.)
  • View your proof in a "page-turn" format just as if you were turning the pages of a hard-copy proof with smart-review.

If you want to read more about Insite, click here. If you want to sign up for BPI University's next webinar or watch previous webinar's you may have missed, click here.

Until next time...Elizabeth

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