Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hard Work Does Pay Off

As many of you know, I'm a sales girl who runs. I do my best thinking, planning and soul searching when I'm pounding the pavement on a long run. During the recent training runs for the Columbia Half Marathon that was this past Saturday, I spent a great deal of time thinking about how I can improve my sales approach, how to better prospect and how to better communicate all of BPI Media Group's awesome solutions.

All I can say, is look out, 2013! We at BPI are all going to be working hard next year to better help you, our customers and future customers! I'm going to keep running and keep planning to help improve my time and my sales. I completed this race at 1 hr 50 min 30 sec, but I'm determined to get a personal best in 2013 to get under 1 hr 43 min. I'm also determined to have my best sales year EVER in 2013. Who's with me?

Until next time...Elizabeth

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