Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Power of Proof

If you're like many customers and prospects I call on, you may be a little skeptical of change and relinquishing control of print ordering to your reps, branch locations or regional offices. That's why I wanted to share this case study with you to show you how well it works and why. My hope is that after reading this case study, you'll feel a bit more confident in why a web-to-print system with BPI Media Group can be the best decision you make in 2013!

This case study by PODi shared by Print in the Mix shares a tremendous example of how an organization benefits from engaging their print partner and utilizes a web-to-print system. Putting this system in place allows the following:

  • Gives corporate a means to maintain brand consistency
  • Allows branch locations to customize the collateral to their location
  • Provides a way to manage print-spend budgets for each location
  • Gives corporate a dashboard to download and/or review all order history
  • Allows for order approval process if needed
  • Streamlines ordering process of marketing collateral
  • Allows for versioning of corporately-branded materials
  • Provides a an easy-to-use interface for users
  • Utilizes templates from which locations can choose
  • Takes advantage of print on demand for short-run needs
  • Choose from options of customization to best fit your company's needs

For an online demo of how a web-to-print system can work for your company, drop me a note. We'd love to show you how this can simplify your print management of your marketing collateral, stationery, business cards and even promotional items.

Until next time...Elizabeth

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