Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Pick up the Phone!

Have you found it EXTREMELY difficult to get customers and prospects on the phone recently? If you're like me, dialing and leaving voice mails is part of my daily routine, so if you actually get a live person on the phone, it catches you off guard.

We at BPI Media Group have found that having a reason to call is helpful to get a response or a live person on the other end of the line. Try sending out a postcard or lumpy mailer then follow up in a few days by phone. Even if you have to leave a voice mail, your prospect will more than likely correlate the mailer with your phone call and maybe even pick up the phone next time. You can also try email marketing as part of your communications mix. Nothing new, but I know many prospects of mine reply much more promptly to an email than to a voice mail. You could even mix all three channels together and use mail, phone and email. For the "cream of the crop" prospects, you may even consider an integrated campaign using Purls (personalized urls or landing pages) to engage them in the conversation.

Whatever your marketing mix, I know I sound like my boss here, but don't stop picking up the phone. I was reminded of this twice recently when a customer's momentary anxiety was put to rest by a simple phone call to assure them their project was in good hands and would be completed on time. The other instance was when they had a project and had been "meaning to call me" but had not had the time to do so yet. Sometimes, clients and prospects actually want to hear from you and hear your voice. So, keep your messaging brief, relevant and most importantly friendly!

Until next time...Elizabeth

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