Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Who's Your Ideal Prospect?

One of the things we as a sales team at BPI Media Group have been focusing on lately is defining our ideal prospect/customer. We started with a pen and paper and made a list of the top characteristics we look for in an ideal customer. Think of this as searching for a mate--what qualities does this person possess? Since this is something I get asked often at networking events, "Describe your ideal customer," I am grateful to have clear and concise answers to this question next time it is posed.

Once we defined the characteristics of our ideal prospect/customer, the next step was putting together a plan to reach them. It didn't dawn on me at first, but this is very much like courting. You have to make that initial contact and let them know you're interested and what you have to offer. For BPI, we can offer solutions. These solutions range from making a tight deadline on a direct mail campaign to providing an online portal where team members can order template-based collateral. Defining our solutions and how they relate to each individual ideal prospect has helped us get more meetings which we are optimistic will equate to new customers and increased sales.

Do you need help defining your ideal prospect and how to reach them? Let BPI help! We'd love to sit down with you and put these characteristics on paper and help develop a plan to reach them through integrated marketing, assessing your current data, creating a multi-drop mail campaign or creating fresh collateral with which you can contact them. Let's work together to reach our ideal prospects and turn them into long-term customers.

Until next time...Elizabeth

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