Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Put Your Name on It!

I have to admit, when I get a piece of mail that has my name on it (besides in the address block), I get a little giddy. I love to see that marketers are using variable data to communicate with me 1:1. Now more than ever, it is imperative for companies to target their customers and prospects with a relevant message. What's more relevant than calling me by name and having a message that's tailored just for me?

Here are a few ways BPI Media Group can help you embrace 1:1 communications in your marketing plan:

  • Variable Data on Direct Mail Using Digital Printing
  • 1:1 Conversations via Personalized Landing Pages (aka pURLS)
  • Data Segmentation to Create Relevant Messaging
  • Versioning Collateral to Reach Different Groups of Customers and Prospects
  • Cross Media Integration (such as QR Codes, eMail Marketing, Special Offers/Coupons)
  • Personalized Give-Aways or Promo Items(think a personalized iPhone cover with your top prospects/customers' names to show you value their business)

Here are a few more examples of how you can create customized messaging to reach your customers and prospects with the most direct and relevant messaging.

Until next time...Elizabeth

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