Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Hang On--It's a Wild Ride!

Even though I've worked at BPI Media Group for over twelve years, and have been in sales for about nine of those years, the ups and downs of sales still amaze me. There are days when you dial, leave voice mail and repeat this for hours. Then, there are days when the phone rings nonstop, and the emails keep rolling in and there aren't enough hours in the day. Does your company go through ups and downs like this too? The times when the phone is ringing and emails are rolling in are directly related to a series of outgoing calls, packets mailed or a direct mail campaign executed by BPI.

Some of our most successful times are those when our outbound marketing efforts are clear, relevant and consistent. I'm guessing that no matter what business you're in, the same applies to your sales. The peaks and valleys of sales are both frustrating and exciting, but with a clear marketing plan that isn't sporadic, BPI can work with you to help keep those sales numbers even or better-increasing. Here are a few ways we can help:

  • Direct Mail Programs
  • Versioning and Cobranding of Collateral
  • Trigger-based Subsequent Touches
  • Dashboards with Real-Time Reporting
  • Web-to-Print Portal for Improved Efficiencies in Marketing Team
  • Cross-Media Campaigns

If you're tired of the crazy roller coaster ride of sales, let BPI help!

Until next time...Elizabeth

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