Tuesday, December 13, 2011

QR Codes: Who Reads Them Anyway?

Debating on whether or not to use QR codes in your marketing mix for 2012? This week, I'll share some info on the most "reachable" target audience is and why they like newer technologies in their marketing messages. To kick things off, check out BPI Media Group's Christmas card that will be hitting your mailbox soon:

Snap the QR code with your smartphone's reader app and enjoy! (PS-You may have to zoom in to enlarge on your screen before scanning.)

So, besides being cool and looking like a "techie" on your smartphone when you scan one, why should you use them in your marketing mix? In a report published by Direct Marketing IQ, offers and calls to action are the #1 reason prospects will scan QR codes. Click here to read more about engaging prospects using QR Codes.

One of the best arguments I've read for why and when to use QR codes comes from an article the the December 2011 issue of Deliver Magazine in an article titled "Making Sense of the Millennials." This article, found on pg 24, highlights the consumers and prospects who are most likely to scan and use a QR code. Who are they? It's those born between 1985 and 2004 (aka, Gen Y, Echo Boomers, Net Generation, Millennials). Check out these stats and details about the oh-so-desirable Millennials and some surprising info about why we need to send them mail (yes, I said mail!):

  • 80% sleep with their cell phone (or at least on their night stand.
  • 75% of the mail they receive is deemed valuable (why? because they don't receive as much mail as older generations.
  • 73% of them have used coupons received via direct mail.
  • Email marketing is considering spam among many in this age group.
  • Social media is the preferred method of reaching them (and how they share the message with others thus broadening your brand and your message!).
  • They expect to be marketed to via social media, QR codes and integrated campaigns (i.e., PURL's).
  • They believe direct mail adds credibility to other channels of marketing messages they may have also received (an email, text message or PURL).
  • They're not as reluctant to refer others or provide a wealth of information.
  • They are open to trying these new methods in hopes of a better user experience or reward.

One very important factor to remember in all of this is to keep your message relevant.Relevancy and personalization are key--how does your message/service/offer directly apply to this prospect?

If you're still on the fence about QR codes, here's some additional reading for your research:

QR Mania: Mobile Codes In Magazines Rise 228%

The 7 BIG Direct Mail Trends in 2011

QR Codes & Mobile Marketing

Use QR Codes so You Don't Get Thrown Away After Tradeshows

2011 Direct mail trends: formats, QR codes, personalization, more...

3 Great B2B Uses of QR Codes

Don't just take my word for it, let's plan to discuss further and BPI can help you with a plan where you can track the results of your QR code use. Oh, and if you want to make the QR codes unique to each recipient--piece of cake using our Nexpress digital press! With our Christmas card (example above), we'll be able to tell:

  • views (%) from mobile vs desktop
  • views (%) by country, city, state (depending on IP, which isn't ultra reliable on mobile devices)
  • views (%) by mobile operating system (iOS vs Android)
  • views (%) by date

Link the QR code to a landing page, and you can gather even more data, do a survey, offer a coupon, etc. I look forward to talking about how to help your marketing message reach not only the Millennial generation but all prospects and customers! Until next time...Elizabeth

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