Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Here are a few of my favorite things!

As busy as things are right now at BPI Media Group, I've been forcing myself to do some reading. I know my former English professors would wince at the thought of someone not enjoying reading, but it has always been something I had to "force" myself to do. So, for these web articles to make the cut for me to read them, they must have been good stuff! These were actually some very helpful articles that provide insight which you marketers will want to know. Let me know what you think or if you have read any great articles lately that are worth sharing.

Lack of digital insight and internal data-sharing challenge companies

Using Great Storytelling To Grow Your Business

NFC phones will change our encounters with print

5 Habits of Customer-Obsessed Companies

16 million Adobe-powered tablet publications

When It Comes to Networking, Don't Try to Wing It

8 Surprising Ways To Delight Customers

Silos: The Biggest Barrier To True Brand & Consumer Engagement?

Make a Good Impression in 30 Seconds

Until next time...Elizabeth

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