Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What are you reading?

Many of you ask me what I read and research, so I wanted to share these with you here. As seemingly difficult as it seems to keep up with marketing trends and sales advice, I wanted to share a list of a few sites we at BPI Media Group read regularly and blogs to which we subscribe. There's a ton of really great information out there on various marketing topics and social media trends, but here's a short list of our favorites that I hope you'll enjoy.

These sites are great for keeping up with news, trends and results. Flipboard is even available as an app on your phone or tablet.

  • Target Marketing
  • Marketing Profs
  • Social Media Magic
  • Mashable
  • Flipboard
  • Deliver Magazine
    • Here are some respected writers/bloggers we follow:

      • Seth Godin: blog, books, etc such as Purple Cow
      • Paul Castain: sales tips to make you think (only if you're a rock star!)
      • Bill Farquharson: short weekly webinars and motivational tips for those who aspire to be great
      • Brian Sullivan: precise selling tips (not just for the print industry)
        • If you're looking for a book that provides great motivation or one you'd like for everyone in your company to ready, I highly recommend Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh, CEO Of Zappos. You can follow the "happiness" movement here on the website, blog, and follow on facebook and twitter too.

          If you'd like to chat about any of the articles or blog topics you read about from this list, let me know. I'd love to talk about ways some of the marketing ideas can be applied to help your company's sales skyrocket!

          Until next time...Elizabeth

          I'm new to twitter, so please check it out & follow along if you'd like. BPI Media Group on Facebook

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