Tuesday, January 3, 2012

12 Marketing Ideas to Consider in 2012

As we kick of 2012, I thought I'd suggest 12 ways you can complement your marketing plans this year with BPI Media Group.

12. Mail! It's proven, and it works. It's also making a come back. Click here to learn more about the power of direct mail.

11. Email too. Don't just email, but pair it with your direct mail campaign. You'll boost your response rate and give those who prefer email to mail a chance to see and reply (i.e., resulting in increased sales activity).

10. Go digital. No, I don't mean forego print, just use digital printing when it's a better fit than conventional printing. This can help you eliminate waste from excess or obsolete printed materials as well as take advantage of variable data (see # 9 below), dimensional coating and print on demand (see # 2 below). Click here to learn more about digital printing and how it can benefit your marketing plan.

9.Use Variable Data. Personalize your message to get a lift in response rates and create a 1:1 message with your customers and prospects. Variable data is so much more than just adding the recipient's name...ask me for examples and details of how to take variable messaging to the next level.

8.Add a QR code. Give your customers and prospects a way to view your message or offer on their smart phone or tablet. Adding a QR code is easy and can be tracked if you tie it to a landing page (see # 7 below).

7.Include an integrated campaign. In your call to action, send your respondents to a landing page (personalized or generic) to ask key questions, get feedback and gather the golden data you desire to be able to drill down and market to them more specifically. This is also a great way to fill the sales funnel with qualified prospects for your sales team and for this, they will L-O-V-E you. Learn how an integrated campaign works here.

6.Be Social. Include calls to action via your social media outlets (facebook, twitter, etc.) to promote special offers, membership reward or loyalty programs, and entice prospects to join your group or following. You can also get tremendous feedback through social media.

5.Consider an iPaper or page-turn document to complement your hard-copy catalog or publication. iPapers are a great way to take your printed material (brochures, catalogs or other collateral) and turn it into a socially-sharable online document.

4. Don't forget the SWAG! (stuff we all get) If you do tradeshows or customer/prospect acquisition and retention campaigns, then you know how useful these items can be to promote your brand. Let BPI help you choose items that are useful and can be part of an overall campaign instead of just a novelty item that will go in someone's drawer of other "swag." Click here to browse our online store of specialty products.

3.Amp up your website. While your website may "look" good, but is it highly functional? Are you using SEO to its maximum potential? Don't fret...BPI's website review offer is still on the table, but only for a little while longer. It expires Feb 29 (it's leap year, so we get an extra day!). Ask me for details about this offer and how we can help with website optimization.

2. Take advantage of Print on Demand. With BPI's digital press technology (Kodak Nexpress, see #10 above). There are so many options with digital printing and printing "on the fly" to send out custom messages to individual prospects and customers. You don't have to print thousands, you can just print what you need, when you need it without giving up all your budget.

1. Set up an online storefront. BPI can help you assess your marketing asset management needs and determine the best print and fulfillment channels for your company's needs.

I hope this list will be helpful to generate some new ideas for your marketing campaigns in 2012. I'm available to meet and discuss ideas with you, just drop me a note, or look me up on twitter (see below) or on LinkedIn. Here's to making 2012 the best year of sales for you and your company!

Until next time...Elizabeth

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