Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Give Me Your Top 4...

While making TONS of prospecting calls over the past three weeks to help grow my business in 2012, I'm asking a pretty loaded question. Before I ask this question to prospects, I had to make sure I was ready to provide answers. After all, my credibility as a solutions partner is on the line here. The question I'm asking is this, "What's your top four marketing challenges you face in your company right now?"

Curious to know what others are saying? Keep reading...

The challenges I'm hearing that most marketers are facing are some with which BPI Media Group can certainly help. And as always, we are glad to help because "Our success is measured by the success of our customers." -Alan Davis, President of BPI Media Group.

Challenge #1: How to produce all the necessary materials on a reduced marketing budget.

BPI solution: With BPI's digital printing technology, you can take advantage of reduced costs by lowered print quantities thus resulting in less waste (hooray for the environment too!). Other advantages of digital printing include: fast turn-around times, no minimum quantity orders, incorporation of variable data or personalization and in-line addressing (our digital press allows us to address/barcode each piece as it's being printed). We can also assist with mailing database clean up to help reduce your postage costs.

Challenge #2: How to manage collateral materials and manage corporate branding.

BPI solution: With BPI's storefront solution, we can not only help protect your branding, but we can also help manage your print quantities, orders and inventory levels. Other benefits of using an online storefront include:

  • Improve the effectiveness of your sales materials via localization or personalization
  • Automated email alerts to confirm order placement and shipping
  • Enhanced Reporting (can be downloaded as a csv based on parameters you enter)
  • Confirm and track orders
  • Query order activity by year, month, or date
  • Online approval system for management control of product
  • Minimize - or eliminate - storage and waste cost

Challenge #3: How do I increase traffic to my website and boost SEO?

BPI solution: BPI's website specialist, Brandon Rome, can help with your site's look, functionality and work behind the scenes to improve your SEO. We're working with a client who, just this week, realized their web traffic is far less than what it should be, and their site is not coming up on key word searches as one might expect. Our fix: using Google analytics, set up key word searches and tie in with social media to circulate traffic back to the site, blog and e-commerce site. Read more ways BPI can help enhance your website here.

Challenge #4: How to be more efficient with proofing (it takes up too much of the production time which is a narrow timeline anyway)

BPI solution: Using Kodak Insite proofing technology, proofing doesn't have to take days. Instead, it can take minutes. Our customers are raving about how quickly they're able to upload, review and approve files for a project that would take hours to upload and a few days to review a hard-copy proof. The speed with which you can review and approve a proof is amazing. Once files are approved in Insite, the hard-copy proof is output for inplant use even if the client doesn't need to see it. Other benefits of Insite: approval levels (some users can have permission to review only while others have permission to actually give approval), upload only pages that have changes and approve them on the fly, and the detailed pre-flight report flagging any potential problems with files before it goes into production. Read more about BPI's Insite proofing system here.

As I learn more about challenges other marketers are facing, I will keep an updated list here, so we can all continue to learn from one another. It is a bit scary to ask a question like this, but I am confident that BPI has the "tools in our toolbox" to help marketers like you!

Until next time...Elizabeth

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