Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Put Your Marketing on Auto-Pilot...Let Your Data Do the Drivin'

If you're like most marketers I talk to, sorting through the data and figuring out who should receive what marketing messages can be pretty overwhelming. It can literally make you want to scream and pull our all your hair. If this is you, I have a way that BPI Media Group can help you sort through the data and come up with a plan for versioning your marketing messages and improving your ROI.

Step 1: Analyze the Data. If you look at your customer or prospect lists closely, you will see patterns or segments that you can market to with version A. Then, you'll notice you have other segments--those would receive versions B or C of your marketing message. While the overall look and theme of all versions are similar, the message or offer is different based on the information you get from your data. This may be because of past buying patterns if you're B2C or based on past donation amounts if you're a non-profit. If you need help analyzing your data, BPI can help. We have the resources to break your data down into segments, so you can see the patterns and trends of your customers and deliver more relevant and communicate with them 1:1. What does that mean? A better return on your investment and an increased response rate.

Step 2: Communicate via cross media. Studies show that pairing online marketing with direct mail will increase your response rate, so think of ways you can incorporate your social media activities into your print. Promote your fundraiser or promotion on your facebook or twitter, but put that on your direct mailer. It makes it easier for folks to donate online plus they can share it with others who may want to participate in the fundraiser or promotion. It is also a good idea to pair email marketing with direct mail--your customers and prospects will be more likely to see and read your message if they have the option of reading it on or offline. If you need help putting together a cross media plan, BPI can help with microsites that capture the data of the responders to make following up easier.

Step 3: Create personalized, relevant messages. By using BPI's digital printing options, you can make each message speak specifically to that customer or prospect in a way that will help you get a better ROI whether that be through contributions or product sales. How do you do this? By listening to your data. Once the data has been analyzed, segmented and grouped, you will see how the message to these clusters of customers and prospects need to have their own message. A generic message or mass mailing just won't do the trick after you see the patterns in your data.

Don't take my word for it that these 3 little steps are all you need to do. Let BPI and me help you get your data in order, reviewed and broken down, so you can compile a killer marketing plan that will reach the variety of customers and prospects you never knew you had out there. Click here to see how an integrated campaign derived from analyzed data really worked for one college. They experienced a 1295.65% ROI. WOW! So, give me a call or leave a note here if you'd like to learn more about data analytics and how paying attention to something you already have can help you market smarter and improve your ROI.

Until next time...Elizabeth

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