Wednesday, February 8, 2012

11 Years-My How Time Flies!

Last week, I celebrated eleven years of working at BPI Media Group. It only seems like yesterday, but in that time, so many things have changed at BPI. I'll share a little "me and BPI" history with you this week as I'm feeling a bit sentimental.

The day was January 29, 2001. Fresh out of a job and green in the world of business, I had interviewed with Alan and Steve Davis (owners of BPI)two weeks prior. They were looking for a CSR, and I was looking for a good place to work.

The job: CSR (customer service rep) at Boaz Printing (this was long before the name change). I worked alongside three other CSR's who helped train me in estimating. I spent a day in each department (stripping/proofing/plating, pressroom, bindery and shipping) to learn the production side of things. What were all these terms??? Blueline, sheetwise, saddlestitch??? What did we do with so much film? Boy, did I have a lot to learn!

The opportunity: Eventually, I learned the ropes of estimating and even got to ride along on some client visits. I really liked those days because it meant getting out of the office, visiting folks, and learning a little more about the sales process. We had added 20,000 square feet, a new press room, warehouse space and become a more modern, CTP shop (no more film! After 3 1/2 years as a CSR, I was presented with the opportunity to move into sales. Of course, I jumped at the chance to be in front of customers and prospects more and become a road warrior.

Installation of 6-color press in 2004 after addition of square footage.

The challenges: In the summer of 2004, I hit the road for my first solo sales calls. I thought learning the terminology and processes of printing were tough...welcome to sales. While there were definitely challenges, and I was inexperienced as a salesperson, I learned the importance of relationships. Some of those first prospects I called on that summer are still customers today. For that I am very grateful and continue to value those relationships. That is one thing that BPI has done consistently--nurture relationships and grow with our customers.

Over the past 7 1/2 years, I've had the privilege of travelling the Southeast and meeting some wonderful people who often becomes great customers. While it is still a learning process, and I certainly learn from my mistakes every day, I can wholeheartedly say that I love my job! It is great to work for people who treat you well, respect everyone and put customers first. The motto of BPI has become "Our success is measured by the success of our customers." This is so very true. If I can help a customer create, execute and measure a campaign successfully, then I feel like a million bucks.

Being part of the team at BPI Media Group is part of me. If you'd like to learn more about some of the fantastic staff who help me every day, click here. Without their help, I'd still be struggling even after eleven years. Let me know if you have any questions about BPI or ways we can help with your marketing, mail, fulfillment, specialty products, traditional or digital printing, setting up a storefront, graphic design or web development. I can't wait to see what the next ten or eleven years have in store for BPI and our customers!

Until next time...Elizabeth

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