Wednesday, May 30, 2012


The most common question I hear is "Can you do this?" "This" is always something specific, so I wanted to give you a run-down of the things that BPI Media Group can do. We'll call this the question and answer portion of the blog. While we like to consider ourselves a one-stop-shop, if there's a project that is well outside the scope of our capabilities, we have a network of partners and vendors that we can refer you to in order help make your project come to fruition. As you can imagine, over the past eleven years at BPI, I've been asked "Can you...?" more times than I admit because then I start telling my age.

BPI's Can-Do List

  • Provide customer service from your project's start to finish.
  • Design and layout a brochure, book, magazine, etc.
  • Design a website
  • Assist with SEO on your website
  • Print up to 28 x 40 sheet size
  • Print with variable data (personalized messaging)
  • Varnish, aqueous, uv coat or laminate
  • Print short-runs (yes, thanks to our Kodak Nexpress digital press, we can do one-offs as easy as we can do a few hundred copies)
  • Print boxes or other custom packaging and signs
  • Offer a fast, online proofing system (ours is called insite & it's awesome!)
  • Help with promotional items
  • Address and mail (and yes, with intelligent mail barcoding)
  • Purchase demographic-specific mail lists
  • Saddlestitch, perfect bind, coil bind
  • 3-hole drill, shrink wrap, round corner
  • Diecut for a unique size/shape
  • Ship to your distribution list
  • Set up an online storefront for ordering of collateral, stationery, promo items, etc.
  • Manage and store inventory of items you don't have room to store at your location
  • Process online orders through our fulfillment system
  • Provide case studies, white papers and training on new products/services
  • Provide order history and tracking for orders through our storefront/fulfillment system
  • Manage integrated campaigns (included sms text messaging, email blasts, QR codes, and landing pages-personalized and standard).
  • Provide ROI calculator for integrated campaigns and online dashboard for lead generation/tracking.

While this isn't the be-all, end-all of BPI's ever-changing capabilities, this should answer some of the FAQ's I get. If there's anything you want to know if we can do, just ask. I'll be more than happy to help, and if we cannot do it, I'll work dilligently to help find a trusted partner who can help you. For more details about BPI's services, click here.

Until next time...Elizabeth

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Make New Friends but Keep the Old

As a Girl Scout, I remember singing this song with my troop mates each month at our meetings. We'd say the pledge of allegiance, sing a few songs and usually do some kind of craft. While I don't remember many of the crafts, I do remember some of the words to the song that go something like this: "Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold."

The message of that song has stuck with me for years (far more than I care to admit!), but I think it serves well in the world of business today. While we at BPI Media Group are grateful for our loyal, long-time customers, we cherish the opportunities to add new customers to our list of "friends." The best way we can learn about our new friends/customers is to listen to them and help them with the problem that is staring them in the face at that very moment. That problem might be needing a super-fast turn around on a brochure for the conference (that is 2 days from now!), sending an email blast to announce a last-minute sale, inventory management of collateral or needing proof that your marketing dollars are being well spent (tracking your ROMI).

BPI is committed to helping our customers with these problems and any other marketing challenges you're facing. We love helping our friends, our customers, so if you're looking for a partnership that can help you with the large and small problems (er, projects), we are here for the long haul.For the past 34 years, we have helped our customers get their marketing messages out to their clients and prospects through various mediums. While the means of getting the message out have changed over the years, our commitment to our customers has not changed: Our success depends on the success of our customers. We are committed to helping our friends, old and new, achieve their goals.

Until next time...Elizabeth

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Strength in Numbers

I was reminded today of an old saying that there's strength in numbers. That got me thinking about facts, figures, statistics and how I can never seem to get numbers out of my head. We at BPI Media Group are accustomed to to numbers, but these days, our numbers are more about your numbers. Here's what I'm talking about...

We're interested in these numbers:

  • How can we help you grow the number of qualified leads?
  • How can we help you communicate with those leads (and loyal customers) through the multi-channels?
  • How can we help you grow your sales?
  • How can we help you have a greater ROI?
  • How can we help you manage inventory numbers of your collateral?

So, what are the answers to these questions? Simple:

  • Lead nurturing through data analytics.
  • Personalized, integrated campaigns through landing pages, text messaging, social media, email and direct mail.
  • 1:1 communications and segmented marketing.
  • Increasing the volume of traffic on your website through SEO.
  • Online storefront for ordering collateral, stationery, and sales materials with order tracking and history.

Sound like our numbers could help improve yours? Let's'll love how we can help your numbers improve.

Until next time...Elizabeth

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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Why Not Text It?

One of the things I love most about my job is that no two days are ever the same. Projects change on a daily basis, deadlines are always always staring you in the face and technology is constantly offering a new way to communicate with customers and prospects.

While most people ask me if I'm afraid print will eventually go away, I can confidently say "No, this is not a concern for me or BPI Media Group." Why? Because we have embraced the technology and married it to our print capabilities to offer more ways you can reach out and have better, more meaningful conversations with customers and prospects. Just this morning, I met with a sports marketing professional who was looking for ways to boost attendance at events and engage the fans before, during and after events. My suggestion? Try introducing a text message campaign. It can be as short as a winner will be announced in the last inning, quarter, period, etc of the game or it can last a week, month or quarter depending on your plan. These type of campaigns can be great for give aways which help promote brand awareness and loyalty through promotional items. The key is that a sms text message campaign requires an immediate call to action with almost immediate response.

Click here to view a short video explaining a little more how a text campaign can work, how you can use it to gather leads and follow up with them via other messaging (email, direct mail, text, and don't forget the ancient technology called the telephone!).

Until next time...Elizabeth

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Survey Says: You Need a Storefront

Do you remember the old game show Family Feud? I was always fascinated with the responses and how they asked the questions. So, in the spirit of Family Feud, I have four quick questions for you: Allow for 30 seconds and take the survey to see if a storefront solution could help with your marketing materials management. Click here to take survey

If you answered yes to even one of these questions, then we need to talk. BPI Media Group's storefront solution is a simple, online tool to help make ordering collateral, stationery and even promo items much easier and less time consuming. Your staff can be freed up to do more important things than track down brochures or envelopes or taking orders for business cards. You can order just what you need using print on demand. If you have reps located in various offices or states, they can order the materials needed for a conference or event, the order request goes to you (or any designated approver) to approve or reject the order before it is placed. Then, the materials can be directly shipped to the person ordering, so there's no logistics to coordinate from us to you to the rep.You can even review reports of who's ordering what to help track the usage of your materials.

If you'd like to learn more about BPI's storefront solution, drop me a note, and we'll set up a time to chat about the specifics and how it can be customized to fit your company's structure and needs. Variable data and personalization can even be options, so that direct mailers can be ordered, lists uploaded and mailers sent out very quickly.

How can I help you with your print management? Can't wait to talk with you to help reduce the headaches you experience when you think about your print materials. Survey Says: You Need a Storefront!

Until next time...Elizabeth

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