Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Beyond the Status Quo

Change. It's inevitably hated, yet inevitable. When faced with change in our work or personal lives, do you panic or dive in and find a solution? While I've always been a doer (hence the reason I have already packed for my move next week!!), but sometimes resistance to change requires going beyond the status quo. We get comfortable with the way we buy, the way we use our gadgets and the places we go. Complacency sometimes needs to be reexamined and here's why.

What if the change in the way you buy or order print collateral could save tons of time (hot commodity these days), provide complete order history and track the status of your project from start to finish? Where do I sign up, right?

If there are pieces of collateral or stationery that you order repeatedly or if you need to offer a means of ordering these items to your distributors or sales team, then we need to talk. Tell me about how you presently order, and then we can propose a solution that will change how your company can order and make it easier, faster and provide transactional data through reporting.

So, if the status quo of placing an order via fax, email or phone is taking up too much of your time, BPI Media Group's storefront solution could be the welcome change you've been missing. Over the next few weeks, I'll share stories of how BPI has implemented a storefront to help customers better manage their collateral and how each customer's saved time and money out of their print budget. For a preview of how our storefront solution works, you can view this pdf demo but better yet, we could go over this together and see how it pertains to your company.

Until next time...Elizabeth

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