Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Find Your Customers

Part of what we at BPI Media Group do is help our customers to find their customers. How do we do that? There are a number of ways we can help you identify your top prospects and potential customers, but the most comprehensive way to isolate these folks is by using data analytics. Data what???

Together, with our customers, our team discusses who the target actually is for your product/service. We run data metrics against your current customer list to find key qualifiers. These reports break out the prospects into categories and subcategories, so you can see the segments to whom you need to be marketing. The reports we can provide to you are very thorough and offer a wealth of insight into subsets of potential customers that you may not have even realized were prospects before.

Once these groups of potential customers are identified, we can help you narrow down what size of a campaign you'd like to do (local, regional, national, etc) and what type of campaign you'd like to do based on who the prospects's demographics. For example, if the prospects are 16-25, you'd most likely want to reach out to them incorporating online and social media channels, but if the prospects are 65+, direct mail may be the better option for reaching them. Regardless, we can help you version the pieces to better speak to the recipients and use the proper channels based on their age, lifestyle, buying patterns, etc.

If you'd like to know more about how BPI can help you with your marketing plan and identifying qualified prospects, feel free to reach out to me. We'd love to help you find your next customers!

Until next time...Elizabeth

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