Wednesday, October 24, 2012

First Impressions Count

Today I have a meeting with a new prospective customer. I've never met either of the gentlemen before, so I am a bit nervous. In talking with my boss about the meeting yesterday afternoon (my pre-meeting pep talk, he reminded me that if I go in nervous, it will show. He encouraged me to be confident and reminded me that I know what BPI Media Group can do, so there's no reason to second guess myself.

You know what, he's right (but don't tell him I said so!). Being with BPI for almost twelve years has revealed to me that we take care of our customers, we deliver on time and we have fair & competitive pricing. Even though I am confident in our services and execution of them, I still wanted to do my home work and be fully prepared. Why? Because first impressions still count.

Samples of our work were carefully chosen to shown the prospects the quality of our work, professional business attire was chosen from my closet to present myself as a competent sales person and quite a bit of time was also spent scouring their website to gain insight into what the customer does. Being prepared will help me have a better conversation about which of BPI's solutions are a best fit for this prospect: printing, digital printing, mailing, fulfillment, promotional items, website? I cannot wait to talk with them and find out!

While a first impression of what you present (outwardly and inwardly) are important here, it occurred to me that this prospect, and all of BPI's customers, actually are trusting us with their first impressions to their customers and prospects. Sometimes it is a catalog, a mailer or collateral at a trade show that is the first impression on a prospect. Wow! What an honor for our customers to trust us with such a responsibility as producing their first impression pieces.

Until next time...Elizabeth

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