Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Turning Problems into Opportunities

You've all heard the statement "It's not a problem but an opportunity." That's never been more true than it is now and BPI Media Group wants to help you capitalize on those opportunities to help your sales grow!

Think about your biggest challenge right now. Is it lacklustre sales, issues with collateral materials, problems with marketing campaigns? Let's put a positive spin on these problems and consider some of these options for turning these opportunities into growth.

Slow sales? Consider taking a long, hard look at your data, big data. BPI can help you with data analytics which will break down your data into segments, so you can version your marketing messages or even make them 1:1 messages. These types of positive changes yield big numbers.

Overwhelmed by collateral? Think about a web portal where you can manage all your collateral in one place, see inventory levels and order as print on demand rather than order large volume just for the sake of a lower unit cost. BPI's web portal can help with managing your collateral, provide approval steps and order history with reporting.

Struggling with flat ROI? Let BPI help you with putting together a marketing plan using multi-channel communication. Our integrated campaigns help target your message to the prospect using the channel(s) best suited for him or her. We can provide a dashboard to help you track results and respond to the hot leads in real time.

I'm as guilty as the next, so let's stop focusing on the problems and think how we can turn them into opportunities which have a greater chance of being converted into a sale!

Until next time...Elizabeth.

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