Wednesday, January 30, 2013

My Top 12 List

Letterman has his Top 10 List, and I have my Top 12 List. Why 12? Because on January 29, 2013, I celebrated my twelfth year with BPI Media Group. In these 12 years, I have been blessed and learned so much from colleagues, mentors, employers and customers. So, here's my Top 12 awesome things about BPI:

1. The people. From the owners to the drivers, they are some of the hardest-working people I've ever met.

2. The commitment. When a job is promised by a certain date, I can take that to the bank.

3. The teamwork. From prepress to shipping, all departments work together on every project.

4. The atmosphere. When you walk in the front door, you're greeted with a smile, and when you walk through the plant, folks wave to greet you. You can't beat BPI's version of southern hospitality.

5. The quality. Not once in twelve years have I ever had to worry about delivering a quality product to our customers.

6. The customer service. It is THE BEST. If you have a question, they provide answers--detailed answers--in a hurry--and with a smile.

7. The growth. BPI has evolved over the years, and management is committed to make our company grow by continuing to offer value-added solutions that our customers need.

8. The technology. BPI stays ahead of the curve on industry trends and technology all the way from prepress's Insite by Prinergy to our storefront web-to-print solution.

9. The proactive approach. Our team keeps customers and the sales team involved on every project's status, so you get no surprises.

10. The efficiency. Automated systems and a streamlined workflow make BPI's processes run in sync.

11. The adaptability. The folks at BPI adapt and learn as the industry, technology and postal regulations change.

12. The vision. It's not just about where BPI has been or what we've accomplished but more so where we're headed, and we want you to join us as we grow.

Thanks for 12 amazing years, BPI (Alan and Steve), and here's to at least a dozen more!

Until next time...Elizabeth

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