Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Resolve to Market

This week, I want to share with you ways that BPI Media Group can help kickstart your marketing campaign for 2013. This letter from BPI's President, Alan Davis, sums it up nicely.

The New Year has arrived and is a time for most people to create their 2013 resolutions. What are your resolutions for this year: weight loss, read more productive books or control the road rage? Because most individuals do not write down their resolution goals, make lifestyle changes or realize that changes don’t happen overnight, most resolutions are only a memory after the first couple of months into the new year.

The same is true for your marketing objectives in 2013. By laying out a clear plan of objectives and getting away from the “that’s the way we have always done it” attitude can lead to measurable growth in 2013! BPI Media Group offers a number of services that can be used in a variety of combinations to make your marketing dollars produce the results to meet your goals.

  • Variable Data Printing to personally speak to your customers
  • Big Data Analytics to control marketing cost with precise offerings
  • Storefront portals to assist in marketing collateral management
  • Print on Demand to reduce inventory levels
  • Online proofing to reduce costly customer alteration charges
  • Web Development so customers find you instead of you finding them

The major aspect that ties all of these together is the ability to track and report all activities so that each activity is measured, analyzed and modified. This year make your marketing resolutions stick by making company “lifestyle” changes, evaluating results to make changes based on data and create a system that will stand the test of time.

For more information about the offerings of BPI Media Group, contact us to speak with an experienced sales representative.

Until next time...Elizabeth

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