Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What Does BPI Stand For?

One of the biggest questions we were asked yesterday at the Greenville Business Expo was "what does BPI stand for?" Well, here's our version of what it means and what we have to offer.

B-BRANDING. We can help maintain your corporate branding through templated print on demand and an image library.

P-PERSONALIZATION. Creating 1:1 communications with your customers and prospects can lift your response rates.

I-INTEGRATION. We have the tools to create integrated campaigns, so you can use multiple channels within a campaign to reach your customers and prospects.

M-MOBILE MESSAGING. We can help with sms and mobile messaging to create contests, sign-ups, etc with your customers who are mobile savvy (and who isn't these days?).

E-EMAIL BLASTS. Using complementary graphics as your printed pieces, we can set up email marketing messages to your customers and prospects and even version them, so that they receive unique messages and offers based on their buying patterns.

D-DIRECT MAIL. With two mail machines in house and trained staff on how to manage lists to get the best postage rates, we can process your mail quickly to get it in the mailboxes of your customers.

I-INVENTORY MANAGEMENT. With our online storefront, managing inventory of your collateral, stationery, promo items, etc is easier than ever. Reports keep track of real-time inventory.

A-ANALYTICS (data). Need to mail to a very, very specific demographic? We can analyze your current data to determine the criteria of those who buy from you to get a "good list" for you to target.

G-GENERATE sales. With print and other forms of media, we can help you create campaigns that will not only improve your ROI but also boost more sales from qualified leads.

R-REPORTING. Our storefront system has reports available 24/7, so you and your team can view order history, inventory levels and user groups.

O-ONLINE and web marketing. Our web development team can help with your website to make it fully optimized to boost your online traffic and sales.

U-UNBELIEVABLE customer service. Our CSR team are there to help answer questions, troubleshoot, track and manage each project from start to finish.

P-PRINTING. The premise of BPI Media Group is our flexibility of printing services ranging from long runs on our offset presses to shorter, personalized runs on our digital device.

I look forward to hearing form you to see how BPI can help you! Until next time...Elizabeth

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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mobile Friendly Sites?

The BPI Media Group team met with a top customer today to discuss updating their website, adding dynamic videos, streamlining the ecommerce portion of their site, maximizing the use of keywords for SEO and exploring the idea of creating a mobile-friendly version of their website. Sounds like a lot, huh? Well, honestly, it is, but it is all very manageable with BPI's knowledgeable webmaster/designer Brandon at the helm. His expertise brings so much value to the table that we are lucky to have him on our team!

As an expansion of our printing, mailing and fulfillment capabilities, BPI also works with our customers to solve their web-based solutions. These solutions range from setting up landing pages for campaigns, designing websites, incorporating SEO into your new or existing website or setting up an online portal where members of your team can order all types of collateral.

As a growing part of our business, we are thrilled to offer such a wide variety of services to better help with your marketing and communication needs-be it on or offline. Feel free to drop me a note if you'd like to set up a time to chat more about how we can help with the various mediums in which your company communicates! We at BPI feel they are all important, so we want to focus on all channels with every customer and prospect.

Until next time...Elizabeth

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I Spy Corporate Branding & Tailgating

As I mentioned a couple weeks ago in the Fall Kick Off post, the gang from BPI Media Group, has started the football season off with a tailgate tent at The University of Alabama. We hope you will join us! Our tent will be on the quad at every home game this season.

Look closely, and you'll spot all kinds of BPI swag. If your company has events coming up this fall and winter, we'd love to help you with your corporate branding and promotional items. There's no better way to help stay top of mind in the eyes of your customers and prospects. Promo items make great leave behinds for your sales team and give aways and trade shows.

Where else can you find BPI Media Group this fall? We'll be at booth 203 at the Greenville Business Expo on September 25th. If you're in the Upstate, please stop by and visit with us! We'd love to talk with you about how we can help with your marketing and communication needs.

Until next time...Elizabeth

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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Push for a Big Finish in 2012

Like most people in sales, having a strong last quarter of the year can make or break your yearly numbers. At BPI Media Group, the fall and last quarter tend to be a busy time, and for that, we are very grateful. But, if you're like a lot of companies who are season and fall isn't one of your strong sales seasons, we'd love to help you plan some things to change that and make it a great last quarter of 2012!

While running in a 5K Friday night called Midnight Flight, it got my wheels turning about how we all tend to start out strong since the first mile of that race was my best per mile pace. Then, we tend to "coast" a little or climb an uphill battle in the middle and then scramble at the end to finish strong. While my race time was respectable at 26:35, I have definitely achieved better in the past, and have to remember how I did it: disciplined training. The same is true for my sales, and I'm sure your company's sales as well. If you slack off for even just a little bit, it shows in those monthly and quarterly reports we see from our bosses. I personally get frustrated if I see my numbers slipping, whether it's in a race or in sales. So, let's make a pact to finish 2012 strong and stay disciplined for ALL of 2013, and not just have a great start and finish. Deal?

How do we stay focused and not let up? With the long weekend to enjoy the Labor Day holiday, I was able to get in an extra run on Monday at a local state park. Running the trails is the best time for me to think, so I spent the hour and nine minutes thinking about how I can stay focused, get back my fitness and sales momentum and never slack off...ever again. Here's what I came up with while taking in the phenomenal sights and sounds at Paris Mountain State Park:

  • Develop a consistent plan to reach out to customers & prospects.
  • Utilize BPI's resources of data analytics and mailing to execute this, especially with 1:1 communications.
  • Follow up with customers & prospects to keep them from going cold.
  • Maintain TOMA (top of mind awareness) with promotional items and face-to-face meetings.
  • Use our website to share information about our company and engage prospects via relevant social media content.
  • Stay focused on the end results: better sales and reaching goals!

If you want to commit to finishing strong and staying strong for the last quarter and all of 2013, drop me a note. I'd love for us to do this together! Until next time...Elizabeth

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