Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Open Door Policy

I was reminded today why we shouldn't burn bridges and that leaving the door open can be the best policy. A customer who had worked with BPI Media Group for several years on the printing and mailing called today out of the blue. Does that happen often? No, but because of the strength and longevity of our working relationship, this customer knew they could dial me up, and we would be glad to help on a new project.

Whether you're a long-time, loyal customer to BPI or a prospect who's reluctant to check us out, we literally do have an open door policy. We want you to come check us out. We invite you to tour our plant, see our production work flow and meet the folks who will make your project go from inception and design to ink on paper or in mailboxes.

BPI loves visitors! We'd love to have you press check your next project, so we can show you the steps it takes from proof to press. We invite you to plan to visit us soon to learn more about ways we can help you with everything from simply printing a postcard to managing fulfillment through our web-to-print storefront system. You won't be disappointed, and the folks you meet at BPI who work hard for you would be thrilled to see you too!

Until next time...Elizabeth

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Springing Forward

At BPI Media Group, we are springing forward with many of our customers. Together, we're streamlining ordering processes for collateral materials, utilizing print on demand and versioning and maximizing cross-media efforts to get customers the maximum ROI.

Springing forward to BPI means getting ahead...with our customers and with technology. Tech changes happen so quickly, that it seems like an app needs updating as soon as you've downloaded it. We're working to not only "keep up" but also to be a leader in our industry by offering things such a Insite proofing, flip books, custom pantone-mixing technology and reporting/dashboards for both cross media and web to print.

So, how does all this help you, BPI's customers? It means BPI has made the investments to offer you the very best and most efficient means to market your company and help you grow with us. We offer the very best from customer service to order tracking. I'm not just saying that because I work there...I'm saying that from experience because I was a BPI customer first.

Until next time...Elizabeth

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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Put Your Name on It!

I have to admit, when I get a piece of mail that has my name on it (besides in the address block), I get a little giddy. I love to see that marketers are using variable data to communicate with me 1:1. Now more than ever, it is imperative for companies to target their customers and prospects with a relevant message. What's more relevant than calling me by name and having a message that's tailored just for me?

Here are a few ways BPI Media Group can help you embrace 1:1 communications in your marketing plan:

  • Variable Data on Direct Mail Using Digital Printing
  • 1:1 Conversations via Personalized Landing Pages (aka pURLS)
  • Data Segmentation to Create Relevant Messaging
  • Versioning Collateral to Reach Different Groups of Customers and Prospects
  • Cross Media Integration (such as QR Codes, eMail Marketing, Special Offers/Coupons)
  • Personalized Give-Aways or Promo Items(think a personalized iPhone cover with your top prospects/customers' names to show you value their business)

Here are a few more examples of how you can create customized messaging to reach your customers and prospects with the most direct and relevant messaging.

Until next time...Elizabeth

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