Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Corral Your Print

corral (verb)

cor·ralled cor·ral·ling

Definition of CORRAL: collect, gather

Examples of CORRAL: corralled a scattering of stray pens and quickly stuffed them in the drawer to tidy the desk

Do you need to corral all your print materials into one place? If so, BPI Media Group can definitely help. By setting up a storefront (aka, web-to-print portal), you can manage all your print collateral in one place. There's flexibility to allow you to use both traditional, offset printing and digital, print on demand based on the volume you need to order for each item. Check out our storefront quick demo for some examples of how this works. If you'd like a one-on-one demo, feel free to ask, and I can walk you through the process any time.

Not only can you order all your print materials in this one location, but you can also see order history and usage by downloading reports in a csv format. This is great to see who is ordering what and how many. If you need to have someone approve orders before they're placed, that's no problem. The approval process is very simple and allows you to approve or deny orders on any items you feel need monitoring a little more closely.You can also get reports for fulfillment of orders on those that are filled in a pick & pack format to various locations.

Having your collateral materials available online for reps to order as needed also helps streamline the process. You don't have to find a place to store the materials; they just order online via print on demand, and it ships directly to the rep. UPS, FedEx or USPS can even provide tracking details directly to the rep ordering, so there are no more questions about "when will I get those materials?" This solution also helps maintain brand consistency because there won't be multiple versions of the same brochure floating around among your staff; they'll all have the same version which marketing created and approved. You can even add promotional items to the mix to help manage and track the orders for those items as well.

Once you see how useful and time saving a storefront or web-to-print portal is, we'll need to work together on the storefront planning guide. This will help us in guiding you on the set up that will best work for your company. Not sure if this is right for you? Check out wikipedia's definition of web-to-print here. Still need more details? Just ask...I can share customer testimonials and demo their sites to give you an inside look. (PS-one testimonial attests to how having a print-on-demand ordering site saved one customer over $70K/yr in print costs!)

Until next time...Elizabeth

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Here are a few of my favorite things!

As busy as things are right now at BPI Media Group, I've been forcing myself to do some reading. I know my former English professors would wince at the thought of someone not enjoying reading, but it has always been something I had to "force" myself to do. So, for these web articles to make the cut for me to read them, they must have been good stuff! These were actually some very helpful articles that provide insight which you marketers will want to know. Let me know what you think or if you have read any great articles lately that are worth sharing.

Lack of digital insight and internal data-sharing challenge companies

Using Great Storytelling To Grow Your Business

NFC phones will change our encounters with print

5 Habits of Customer-Obsessed Companies

16 million Adobe-powered tablet publications

When It Comes to Networking, Don't Try to Wing It

8 Surprising Ways To Delight Customers

Silos: The Biggest Barrier To True Brand & Consumer Engagement?

Make a Good Impression in 30 Seconds

Until next time...Elizabeth

I'm new to twitter, so please check it out & follow along if you'd like. BPI Media Group on Facebook

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring into Action!

While we may have lost an hour of sleep when we moved the clocks forward an hour this past weekend, we have gained an extra hour of daylight in the evenings. For me, that makes for more productive days and getting things checked off my "to do" list such as planting flower beds and longer walks with the dogs. The springtime weather and extra daylight are really great motivators for me, and it seems to be the busiest time of year for many of BPI Media Group's customers.

What does spring hold for your company? A lot of busy bees! Trade shows, conferences, or annual fund-raiser events? All of these are busy times for both sales and marketing, so I hope you'll find this short list of time-saving tips helpful, so you can spend more time enjoying the warmer weather and get more things marked off your to-do list.

  • Utilize print on demand for short runs of your collateral.
  • Promote your brand through specialty items and give-aways at your booth or event. http://bpimediagroup.logomall.com/ to shop promo items.
  • Push traffic to your booth via a cross-media campaign using a purl to track the ROI on your campaign dashboard.
  • Remind customers and prospects of your spring event(s) through email marketing.
  • Send follow up materials after your event via direct mail.

This last item on my list will hopefully be the first on yours:

  • Get outside and enjoy Spring!

Until next time...Elizabeth

I'm new to twitter, so please check it out & follow along if you'd like. BPI Media Group on Facebook

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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What are you reading?

Many of you ask me what I read and research, so I wanted to share these with you here. As seemingly difficult as it seems to keep up with marketing trends and sales advice, I wanted to share a list of a few sites we at BPI Media Group read regularly and blogs to which we subscribe. There's a ton of really great information out there on various marketing topics and social media trends, but here's a short list of our favorites that I hope you'll enjoy.

These sites are great for keeping up with news, trends and results. Flipboard is even available as an app on your phone or tablet.

  • Target Marketing
  • Marketing Profs
  • Social Media Magic
  • Mashable
  • Flipboard
  • Deliver Magazine
    • Here are some respected writers/bloggers we follow:

      • Seth Godin: blog, books, etc such as Purple Cow
      • Paul Castain: sales tips to make you think (only if you're a rock star!)
      • Bill Farquharson: short weekly webinars and motivational tips for those who aspire to be great
      • Brian Sullivan: precise selling tips (not just for the print industry)
        • If you're looking for a book that provides great motivation or one you'd like for everyone in your company to ready, I highly recommend Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh, CEO Of Zappos. You can follow the "happiness" movement here on the website, blog, and follow on facebook and twitter too.

          If you'd like to chat about any of the articles or blog topics you read about from this list, let me know. I'd love to talk about ways some of the marketing ideas can be applied to help your company's sales skyrocket!

          Until next time...Elizabeth

          I'm new to twitter, so please check it out & follow along if you'd like. BPI Media Group on Facebook

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