Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I Asked, You Answered. Time is Money!

Wow! A few weeks ago, I asked the question for what are you top four problem areas in marketing? Almost overwhelmingly the responses I got were managing collateral and stationery, maintaining brand consistency and having a centralized location for orders and reorders to be placed. By helping our customers with their biggest challenges, BPI Media Group is bridging the gap between problems and solutions.

To help you determine if a storefront solution is right for you and your company, we'll take three simple steps:

1. Examination. Look at how you're handling orders and reorders now, quantities and frequencies of orders and how much time it takes for orders to be processed presently. We'll start this process by doing a Materials Asset Management (MAM).

2. Potential Solution. Offer options using our storefront system that include print on demand, fulfillment, warehousing and inventory control.

3. Implementation. Based on the results of our examination and the potential solutions offered, we will work together to implement a storefront solution that is right for you and your company's needs. The greatest feature of a storefront is that this solution is highly customizable and can be set up however best fits your needs.

While most of you are familiar with a web-to-print portal (aka, storefront), you can click here to view a demo of our storefront offering. This will show you the benefits and features of a variety of different storefronts and the flexibility of using this to manage your collateral and stationery needs.

So what are the benefits of a storefront?

  • Save time by streamlining the ordering & reordering processes and typically a faster turn-around time on printed materials.
  • Bridge the gap between digital content and print production.
  • User friendly; the interface is very intuitive and easy to use.
  • Maintain brand consistency by having certain aspects of the materials "locked in" and others aspects variable where users such as sales reps can personalize the materials using their contact information.
  • Instant proofing by providing a pdf proof fon the fly for review and immediate approval.
  • Reduce print costs by using print on demand to avoid having obsolete materials.
  • Approval process for any orders selected to ensure ordering privileges aren't abused.
  • Inventory management through reporting allows you to see order history and help in planning for future budgets.

If these are some of the challenges you face in your marketing department, feel free to reach out to me, and I'll be glad to do a live demo of our storefront solution and get started with the examination process. I look forward to hearing from you and helping you put this solution in place to save you time and reduce overall print costs as needed.

Until next time...Elizabeth

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Put Your Marketing on Auto-Pilot...Let Your Data Do the Drivin'

If you're like most marketers I talk to, sorting through the data and figuring out who should receive what marketing messages can be pretty overwhelming. It can literally make you want to scream and pull our all your hair. If this is you, I have a way that BPI Media Group can help you sort through the data and come up with a plan for versioning your marketing messages and improving your ROI.

Step 1: Analyze the Data. If you look at your customer or prospect lists closely, you will see patterns or segments that you can market to with version A. Then, you'll notice you have other segments--those would receive versions B or C of your marketing message. While the overall look and theme of all versions are similar, the message or offer is different based on the information you get from your data. This may be because of past buying patterns if you're B2C or based on past donation amounts if you're a non-profit. If you need help analyzing your data, BPI can help. We have the resources to break your data down into segments, so you can see the patterns and trends of your customers and deliver more relevant and communicate with them 1:1. What does that mean? A better return on your investment and an increased response rate.

Step 2: Communicate via cross media. Studies show that pairing online marketing with direct mail will increase your response rate, so think of ways you can incorporate your social media activities into your print. Promote your fundraiser or promotion on your facebook or twitter, but put that on your direct mailer. It makes it easier for folks to donate online plus they can share it with others who may want to participate in the fundraiser or promotion. It is also a good idea to pair email marketing with direct mail--your customers and prospects will be more likely to see and read your message if they have the option of reading it on or offline. If you need help putting together a cross media plan, BPI can help with microsites that capture the data of the responders to make following up easier.

Step 3: Create personalized, relevant messages. By using BPI's digital printing options, you can make each message speak specifically to that customer or prospect in a way that will help you get a better ROI whether that be through contributions or product sales. How do you do this? By listening to your data. Once the data has been analyzed, segmented and grouped, you will see how the message to these clusters of customers and prospects need to have their own message. A generic message or mass mailing just won't do the trick after you see the patterns in your data.

Don't take my word for it that these 3 little steps are all you need to do. Let BPI and me help you get your data in order, reviewed and broken down, so you can compile a killer marketing plan that will reach the variety of customers and prospects you never knew you had out there. Click here to see how an integrated campaign derived from analyzed data really worked for one college. They experienced a 1295.65% ROI. WOW! So, give me a call or leave a note here if you'd like to learn more about data analytics and how paying attention to something you already have can help you market smarter and improve your ROI.

Until next time...Elizabeth

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I Need it ASAP!

A great customer recently shared this photo with me, so I thought it was appropriate to share with you all as I'm sure you have all found yourselves thinking this, or better yet, you're the one posing the question, "How soon can I have it?"

Being in a deadline-driven industry, this is a question I hear daily, if not several times a day, so don't EVER feel bad for asking me this question. I promise, you are not the first, nor will you be the last. It is part of my job! Here are a few stats on how quickly BPI Media Group's equipment can work, and these machines can crank out the printed pieces and mail to help meet tight deadlines!

Prepress. If you upload the files for your print project using Insite, you'll receive an email notifying you that your soft proof (pdf) is ready to review within the hour. Once approved, the files will go directly to plate, so your project can be ready for press in a matter of hours.

Presses. Our Heidelberg conventional presses can run 12,000 sheets per hour. Our Nexpress (digital press) can run 2,500 14 x 20 one-sided sheets per hour.

Bindery. Our folders run 10,000 sheets per hour. The perfect binder binds 3,500 books per hour. We can saddlestitch 7,000 books per hour. The shrink wrap machine can do approx 1,000 wraps per hour.

Mail. For magazines or catalogs, we can address 7,000-8,000 per hour; for self mailers or postcards, we can address 15,000 pieces per hour.

As you can see, the machines can run very quickly, so if you are working with a tight deadline, we will work hard to make that deadline allowing you to breathe a sigh of relief and know that your project is in good hands at BPI. By utilizing our storefront for print-on-demand fulfillment, we can ship orders in as little as 48 hours (of course, if it's not a custom item or on a specialty-type paper).

By using our automated proofing system (Insite) or taking advantage of an online storefront for ordering of your collateral via print on demand, we can help you reduce turn-around time and overall costs on your print projects. Paired with all BPI's equipment are our quality employees who have years of combined experience who help you get the most out every asset we have. Don't hesitate to give me a call if BPI can help on your next project (whether it's a rush order or not!).

PS--caffeine usually helps me stay on track and keep up with all the hustle and bustle of the work day. These are my two vices of choice lately:

Until next time...Elizabeth

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

11 Years-My How Time Flies!

Last week, I celebrated eleven years of working at BPI Media Group. It only seems like yesterday, but in that time, so many things have changed at BPI. I'll share a little "me and BPI" history with you this week as I'm feeling a bit sentimental.

The day was January 29, 2001. Fresh out of a job and green in the world of business, I had interviewed with Alan and Steve Davis (owners of BPI)two weeks prior. They were looking for a CSR, and I was looking for a good place to work.

The job: CSR (customer service rep) at Boaz Printing (this was long before the name change). I worked alongside three other CSR's who helped train me in estimating. I spent a day in each department (stripping/proofing/plating, pressroom, bindery and shipping) to learn the production side of things. What were all these terms??? Blueline, sheetwise, saddlestitch??? What did we do with so much film? Boy, did I have a lot to learn!

The opportunity: Eventually, I learned the ropes of estimating and even got to ride along on some client visits. I really liked those days because it meant getting out of the office, visiting folks, and learning a little more about the sales process. We had added 20,000 square feet, a new press room, warehouse space and become a more modern, CTP shop (no more film! After 3 1/2 years as a CSR, I was presented with the opportunity to move into sales. Of course, I jumped at the chance to be in front of customers and prospects more and become a road warrior.

Installation of 6-color press in 2004 after addition of square footage.

The challenges: In the summer of 2004, I hit the road for my first solo sales calls. I thought learning the terminology and processes of printing were tough...welcome to sales. While there were definitely challenges, and I was inexperienced as a salesperson, I learned the importance of relationships. Some of those first prospects I called on that summer are still customers today. For that I am very grateful and continue to value those relationships. That is one thing that BPI has done consistently--nurture relationships and grow with our customers.

Over the past 7 1/2 years, I've had the privilege of travelling the Southeast and meeting some wonderful people who often becomes great customers. While it is still a learning process, and I certainly learn from my mistakes every day, I can wholeheartedly say that I love my job! It is great to work for people who treat you well, respect everyone and put customers first. The motto of BPI has become "Our success is measured by the success of our customers." This is so very true. If I can help a customer create, execute and measure a campaign successfully, then I feel like a million bucks.

Being part of the team at BPI Media Group is part of me. If you'd like to learn more about some of the fantastic staff who help me every day, click here. Without their help, I'd still be struggling even after eleven years. Let me know if you have any questions about BPI or ways we can help with your marketing, mail, fulfillment, specialty products, traditional or digital printing, setting up a storefront, graphic design or web development. I can't wait to see what the next ten or eleven years have in store for BPI and our customers!

Until next time...Elizabeth

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Get Your Materials Trade-Show Ready!

It was a full day of client meetings in Atlanta today, and the main topic of conversation was pre and post-trade show planning. Here are a few ideas on ways BPI Media Group can help you be prepared for your upcoming trade shows and then follow up with prospects after the show is over.

Utilize Digital Printing: Using BPI's digital printing technology, you can print just enough materials for the trade show instead of printing large quantities to get a price break. Digital printing also allows you to personalize, version or customize the pieces to be show specific adding relevance to your print collateral.

Include Landing Pages: We recommend using a landing page on any pre-show marketing that you do to gauge the interest of the show attendees. This also allows you to have better communication with prospects because you have pres-show insight into their interests, concerns, etc. You can also schedule 1:1 meetings with these customers or prospects in advance to make sure you give them time and attention to convert them into long-time customers. Landing pages are also a great idea for post-show follow up as well. This helps you gauge the responses from the show and get valuable feedback after the show to help in future planning. Having a dashboard to access the visits/responses to the landing page is a big plus as this gives you real-time results to help track your ROI with the ROI calculator on the dashboard.

Try Using a QR Code: This is a great idea if you're attending a conference where you're encouraged to be "green." encourage show attendees to scan the QR code at your booth, on your badge, or elsewhere to go to information, a video, landing page, etc to learn more about your company. You can even capture their data to follow up later for those who scan the QR code. This is also a great way to engage your show staff with customers and prospects in your booth by teaching them how to scan a QR code, download a free app and go through the short process with them.

Follow Up: While there are various ways you can follow up with leads from a trade show, never forget that direct mail is a time-proven method. Your direct mail piece can include calls to action using the above- mentioned vehicles of landing pages and/or QR codes. Timeing is everything for the follow up, so you'll want to be ready to send out any follow up pieces or packets in the mail promptly following the close of the show to stay top of mind with any prospects.

If you have any questions or need help planning your pre or post-show marketing, please feel free to reach out, and I'll be glad to assist you in any way to help make your trade shows be as successful as possible.

Until next time...Elizabeth

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